Brazil Nut Homepage
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Stories From The Field:
The Nut That Could Save The Amazon
Check out this article on the WWF website

First International Event All About Brazil Nuts More>>>
Proyecto Castañales at Agricultural Fair   More>>>
Brazilians Visit Proyecto Conservando Castañales    More>>>

ordenamiento book small

NEW BOOK RELEASES: "Estandar para la Certificación del Manejo Forestal con Fines de Producción de Castaña (Bertholletia excelsa) en Perú", "Manual de Ordenamiento Castañero", "Manejando Bien Tu Castañal", and "Antonio y el Añuje"

Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) produce popular commercial nuts which are a valuable non-timber forest product. Harvested from natural stands in tropical rainforests, their market facilitates forest conservation as well as creating revenue for local peoples.

Our project aims to integrate field research in Peru with efficient management policies to increase the viability of Brazil nuts as an NTFP.


Year 2000

More Than
Just Nuts

A Hard Nut
to Crack

Brazil Nut
Photo Gallery


Above photos by André Bärtschi,

We hope it will encourage a forum of discussion among researchers, policy makers, and the general public about the important role of the Brazil nut in tropical forest conservation.

  • Post a message to the message board or contact us with comments or questions
  • Read about the people involved with the Brazil nut project
  • Browse our bibliography of books, articles, and reference materials related to Brazil nuts
  • Visit the Amazon Conservation Association site to find out about our other conservation projects, see its spectacular gallery of rainforest photos, and much more...
  • Places to order Brazil nuts